

The Fiorano Modenese plant comprises a warehouse for maturing hard cheeses such as Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano or similar. The foothill area is particularly suitable for maturing cheese and is easily accessible by free-flowing roads. The maturing warehouse has been working for third parties for decades and the staff is skilled, scrupulous and discreet.

When the cheese arrives in the warehouse, it is placed on clean racks for maturing.
Each customer is assigned adjacent racks and the cheese is arranged according to serial number, year and month.
Depending on the degree of maturity, the cheese is regularly turned and brushed. The racks on which the product is placed are periodically cleaned.
The ideal maturing temperature is carefully controlled, as well as the humidity.

The cheeses are stored in the maturing room for an average period of time, generally 14 months, and before being loaded onto the collection vehicles they are checked, cleaned and weighed.